Monday, August 14, 2006

Bless his widdle heart...

Firstly, can't a guy take a leak without a media frenzy, for cryin' out loud??

Secondly, what's up with Fidel freakin' Castro?

In this AP story, we have several smiles, chuckles, and even some heartfelt tears for the ailing Cuban dictator. It almost made me want to write him a get-well-soon card, and throw in a Starbucks card or something.

What is up with the love affair the international community, the Democratic party, and the mainstream media have with this guy? He's a despot, for pete's sake! He killed his way into office, oppresses his people (like any good communist leader), and drives an island paradise into the mud every day he continues to draw breath.

Oh well. Here's to YOU, el presidente. May your carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus soon make their way back into the abiotic parts of the Cuban ecosystem. You piece of human waste...


At Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo JC!! What's up brother?? I want to email you, but for all the info available on your blog, there doesn't seem to be an email address!?

Shoot me an email at the address in the top right corner of the website you found me at. I'd list an email address here, but I fear the random spambots and their evil powers of spammery.


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