Monday, September 11, 2006

I freakin' hate MySpace...

Not that anybody actually reads this blog, but many apologies go out to all my non-readers for the lack of frequency of posts. Busy month.

Most of my energies, when it comes to web-expression, seem to go here as of late...

Anyway, first a bit of news (not really that new though... "olds"?): I tracked down a friend of mine from college. Okay, beyond friend. I love the guy like a brother (you know, one of those brothers that you somehow don't talk to for three or four years until you google their last name fortheheckuvit), he was in my wedding (I'm still seeing my wife on a daily basis, if you're starting to worry), and the last I heard from him, he had finished video game design school, and was working on a Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen game.

He's been busy.

I had watched this game closely during development for about a year before its release. It sounded like such a cool idea--being able to jump in and out of inanimate objects as well as living hosts to solve puzzles, chew bubble gum, and kick tuckus--and I hoped I would get the chance to play it some day (being defined as the day after it hit the bargain rack).

As of this moment, a brand new copy of Geist sits on top of my Gamecube... and I haven't played it yet. Arrrrgh. Frickin' adult responsibilities.

Well, not exactly hell on earth. I did get to spend a good bit of the evening rubbing my wife's neck while she played Paper Mario. Then we watched the first hour or so of this before we both got old and headed to bed.

Only, I didn't head to bed. I felt restless. I decided to cruise over to to see what all the fuss is about. I mean, a blog's a blog, right?

Good lord.

And they want me to join to look at most of this crap? Or to comment when I genuinely find a glimmer of hope amidst the countless misspellings and crimes against punctuation? Screw THAT.

So I'd like to give a shout out to mah' peepz' in Space-land:


Now a few pointers:

1) Blog more often. We can learn so much more about you if you take 10 minutes to really explore what you're thinking and feeling with words. Somehow, "Sup dawg! I saw yoo guys, and your gitar solos was off the hizzy!" doesn't quite stir the soul. Is it just me?

2) Less is more. Keep your layout simple. Legible. You like art? Put it in a photo album or something.

3) Beware: parents can read too. And teachers. So watch the language, and PLEASE don't give T.M.I. I prefer to keep my illusions about your natural, inborn innocence. If that makes me an old fart, then pass the Beano and the Viagra.

4) You live in Lockney Freakin' Texas. Why not buck the dual trends of societal isolationism and obesity? Get off your arse, go across the street, and tell 3 till 7 that they're the shizzle. Odds are you live next to at least ONE of them.

5) Your spelling checker is NOT your friend. It wants people to laugh at you. Don't trust it.

Anyway, I'm out. Work happens in slightly less than eight hours, and I need my sleepy fun time.

I'll let you know about the game. Oh yeah, I forgot. Nobody reads this anyway.

Stupid MySpace...

(9/14/06) EDIT: Another reason not to MySpace: it could kill you.


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