Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I believe...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Blacklisted, but not BALEETED...

Tragedy is upon me, dear readers...

Our school (my workplace) is trying out a new, internal content filter to replace(?) the proxy we currently use. Not sure exactly why, but that's beside the point.

What's troubling to me is that every blog on blogspot has been blocked. Including mine. If you're reading this, probably including yours too.

Now, I understand the concerns that we as a district have with so called "social networking sites". (I myself have written about why I don't like them, for different reasons.) It is all too easy for predatory users to find personal information on junior-high and high-school-aged kids and exploit them. I understand and agree with the blocking (from school campus computers) sites like myspace, xanga, and their ilk. If kids want to piss away their time giving virtual shout-outs and back-pats to all their homies, they can do it at home. They should reserve school time for school work, in my opinion.

The difference is that blogspot is primarily for web logging, not for social schmoozing. It's what interactive internet should be more about--the free and easy interchange of ideas.

Hopefully as the technology (and the user base) gain more knowledge of the situation, the restrictions will relax. Until then, it's sort of touch-and-go for me, both in my writing and my reading of all your stuff.

So if this is the last hurrah for My Blog Has Worms, know that it has been a pleasure sharing with you my life and ideas, and I am grateful that you have also shared them with me...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Feeling (Jong)-il? Could be all that atmospheric radiation...

Heard much from the potbellied, dog-eating little dictator lately? Looks like he's pissed about something.

China, whose support for the measures is key to whether they will have any effect on neighboring North Korea, has begun examining trucks at the North Korean border to comply with new U.N. sanctions endorsed over the weekend.

Gee, that's big of them.

Holy freaking crap...

Okay, feel free to file this one under what the h$%#...

Can someone possibly give me one rational argument on why something like this is or could potentially be medically necessary? Can't we just leave the whole "anything that girls can do, boys can do better" argument out of the picture in this one instance?

I'm grasping for the feeling that is in my gut as I type these words, and the best I can describe it is scared spitless. Because honestly, what won't they do next??

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Attention NYC Police: it CAN get worse...


Shouldn't he be in Canada, or something?

Allahu Akbar! (You want fries with that?)

Gee, America is the "Great Satan," so let's go out and buy crappy knockoffs of American products to show our disdain for those Christian, imperialist dogs!

Go ahead and pinch yourself... it's no joke.

It goes to show what I've always maintained. America is so despised in the rest of the world NOT because of anything we do, but because of who we are---and everybody else wishes they could be us.

Hmmm... that would probably sound pompous and/or bigoted, if it weren't the truth. Ouch.

Monday, October 09, 2006

"D'oh," say Democratic Party Leaders

Well well well...  It seems that conservative evangelical Christians aren't as dumb as the libs like to think they are.

Some October surprise... geez, can't they come up with something better?  Like a sex scandal that actually involves sex?  Preferably between a man and a woman?  (Nods to El Rushbo.)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Paging Mark Foley...


Double standard, anyone?


How do I know that a spiritual battle is being fought in the world around us?

I read about things like this.

"The man that did this today was not the Charlie I've been married to for almost 10 years. He was loving, supportive, thoughtful, all the things you would want and more.

"He was an excellent father. He took our kids to soccer practice and games, played ball in the backyard and took our seven-year-old daughter shopping."

Demonic activity, folks. Satan doesn't play fair. Don't be surprised when it happens again. And again. And again.

Monday, October 02, 2006

What [a] load...

Ah, good old NASA.  Just when I wonder if you've outlived your usefulness, I read this.  It sure is nice to know that our tax dollars are going to something worthwhile...